You're welcome. On the inside it just looks very different, very hypocritical and disappointing. I'm sorry to say many abuse people like you to get your hands dirty while cash keeps coming in. You need a proof? Eileen Getty is the heiress to an oil fortune and the main backer of Just Stop Oil. That's why you should keep away from any mass activist movement that always turn into an ATM for people like Patrice Cullors. Even Mother Theresa is no longer perceived as the angel of the poor that she used to be seen like after nasty things about her work started surfacing. Isn't it curious how the #metoo crowd is usually after very wealthy men? Don't expect help from a movement that's called MeToo instead of WeToo. It's all me,me,me. And they know exactly what they're doing, but it probably has no resemblance to what you're expecting. None of them are helping normal, underprivileged people because it doesn't get them into the spotlight. I tried to communicate this to overenthusiastic, unsuspecting idealists but they rarely believe me.