The "problem" with the modern concept of diversity is that it's treated as something that you incentivise and endorse instead of it being the result of an organic process where the community develops around it gradually. What we like to call diversity today seems to be more like a project where identity is just another box to be checked in your evaluation report. That way, it turns into what it became today: a giant money laundry operation. And you get "educators" overcharging you for a weekend seminar about diversity which could be otherwise reduced to an afternoon online with the same effect. But then these people wouldn't be able to make a good living with paid travel costs, hotel and hefty fee. This is experience talking, as a project manager. Think about it: we all want diversity to be an asset instead of a problem. But if you solve the problem, there won't be any more need for overpaid experts reinventing the wheel. Only then would they be facing a real problem: after years of professional grifting, a solution without a PowerPoint presentation. Touch their check books and see what happens.