People don't care about his politics, they just find his lifestyle aspirational, just like the fact he gets away with things without susbscribing to the rule book of politicial correctness. The average MAGA Joe wants things that Trump represents: tacky materialism, excessive self-indulgent lifestyle, a trophy wife with big boobs and a golden escalator in his house. He doesn't want Trump's values because he doesn't have any. In an age obsessed with representation, it's no surprise people vote for an image instead of character wit integrity. Because his primary brand is just that, an image. I'd rather vote for the devil himself than Trump, but I do see where a big part of his appeal is even if I don't share it. In our endless shredding of MAGA morons we forget their needs aren't very intellectual but basic and rather shallow and he fits into their mould perfectly. We created this monster and now we must face the consequences.