Having a family and children is some sort of a natural instinct that's ingrained in our DNA, we all come from a family. But if that's already an established fact (it is), I'd rather suggest discussing the issue that many childless women face, with other people sticking their noses into their private lives and uteruses. It goes so far that a friend of mine put a rant on her Facebook wall about being sick of other people incessantly inquiring about family plans she and her long time boyfriend might have. Maybe they don't want? Maybe they can't? Maybe it's a health issue? Women are never good enough and they can't catch a break. Just look at all Christmas commercials, with happy families around the tree, having a great time. Imagine what it says to childless people or couples where only children keep them from divorce. I know it's just marketing but it suggests how your life is supposed to be. The best thing you can do is simply turn off the tv. And ignore all the "friendly" advice about motherhood and marriage.