At the end of the day, you can only truly trust yourself, so I always preferred staying out of the dating pool rather than getting bitten by a shark. Yes, children can be a bliss. But usually only if they're someone else's. People don't want to make compromises. Because compromise are sacrifices and in this social-media obsessed world, sacrifices aren't "sexy" rating fodder, unless you're a celebrity. It's a culture we created and fostered. Happiness is always bigger when you share it with someone. But maybe in this era of family profiles on Facebook and countless photo reels of your perfect vacation, giving all your attention only to yourself is the closest thing to serenity. Sometimes the biggest challenge of all is to admit none of it really, truly matters and that parenting first and foremost is the perfect way to surpress your frustrations, anger or your "truth" by focusing on someone else's happiness. But that tends to turn into all kinds of abuse and projecting one's own unfulfilled ambitions on your children. Sometimes because having kids distracted you from living up to those ambitions of, maybe, being the new Travis Kelce.